Monday, August 23, 2010

News news news

First off, Saturday was four months and It was fantastic. My friend had her birthday party that day and a 40 foot water slide was included. We played King of the Hill and, naturally, I fought the guys. So I'm dead sore. But it was soooo fun.

And then the sad part. My brother's friend just passed away. I didn't know him, but he and my brother was close for a while. And my brother blames himself for losing touch when he moved. Obviously it isn't his fault, but he's distressed. I'm worried about him. And I feel so bad for that boys family. It makes you stop and think how limited time is. And it makes me realize that I don't want to waste a moment on doubt.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

2 Days!

So there are only two days until I get four months. And my best friend is getting me a mini cheesecake instead of a cookie. Her birthday party is the same day anddddddd there's going to be a huge slide. Like a bouncy slide. But huge. She's calling it her sour sixteen. Which I love. And the heat is letting up, so band isn't as miserable. And that is all. :D

Sunday, August 15, 2010


You know what irks me? When people suddenly decide to ignore you for three weeks with no explanation. And when you find out it's because they have a new girlfriend...well it kinda makes me want to throat punch them. AND THEN, when they break up with the girl and suddenly decide they can be friends with you again...well that one really irritates me.
So one of my friends decided he didn't wanna talk to me anymore. Because he was dating another one of my friends. And when he broke up with her, he tried to talk to me again. Let's just say I wasn't interested.

Anyway. Band camp was brutal. It was in the hundreds every day. But now that school's started, we only have afternoon practice. But, it's still miserably hot.

Oh! And this coming Saturday is the twenty-first, and we all know what that means...FOUR MONTHS! :D

So, in the spirit of the countdown, SIX DAYS!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Back to school

So band camp ended yesterday and I am proud to say that for the first time EVER, we put on the entire opener during camp. Yay!!!
Other than that, there's not really too much going on. Just thought I'd revisit the blog for once :)
School starts Wednesday and, here's another first, I'm getting a dress. Wish me luck on that one ._.

Thirteen days until four months :)