Monday, April 26, 2010


That was my frustrated sound. Why did I make said frustrated sound? Because I'm frustrated. I have a job in my group. If someone has a relationship problem, they come to me. I love this job. I hate this job. I love helping my friends. I hate having to help them when I, myself, cannot maintain a relationship of my own.

This past weekend I went with the band to Panama City, FL. Now, you'd think that, being on the beach, I'd get to relax. WRONG! Thursday I was on the bus all day. Friday I dealt with a prostitute-like girl who can't keep her hands to herself. Saturday I handled that girl's breakup. That night I spent almost an hour and a half with a friend who's boyfriend broke up with her, with me running back and forth trying to straighten things out. Sunday I was stuck on that wretched bus again.

That was the lowlights involving people. Our hotel room was completely dead. The shower literally fell apart and, when fixed, still didn't work properly. There was an ax murderer rapist next door. The floor turned your feet black after two steps. Everything was sticky and damp.

Highlights include:
-Meeting my new Jewish friend :D
-Hanging with my best friends :D
-The beach!!! :D :D :D
-The satisfaction of putting a self righteous hooker in her place. :)

It's a short list, I know. But, it means so much more to me than all of the bad combined X10


Sunday, April 11, 2010


I know this is odd, but I'm ending the countdown. Now, for anyone who might by chance be reading this, don't sad face or aww just yet.

I'm ending the countdown because I am no longer single.

Now you may commence with the happy face and awee :D

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sadie Hawkins Dance!

So today is my school's Sadie Hawkins Dance. You know, girl asks the guy. Well, last year, my boyfriend had just dumped me. So I didn't have anyone to ask. I went with my two best friends and their boyfriends. That was when I earned my nickname: Fifth Wheel.

This year, I didn't ask anyone. Not because I didn't have anyone to ask, but because I'm a chicken. But I don't mind. I just get to be fifth wheel again. :)

3 days :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So I actually had FULL INTENTIONS of putting my poems on their respective page, but I'm being lazy. I'm sure I'll get around to it eventually. :)

Six Days!!! :D

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Still counting..

I really have nothing to say right now, but I'm making sure to post the countdown days.



Monday, April 5, 2010

Countdown time!

Okay, so it is once again time to countdown to my cookie. In eight days I will have remained single for three months. While I was tempted and disappointed many times, I'm holding strong right now.

Eight more days! :C :( :/ :) :D

(As for the smileys : ^super sad smiley is because I'm ALWAYS with other couples^
^sorta sad smiley is because I don't particularly enjoy
^eh smiley is just because^
^sorta happy smiley is because I feel accomplished^
^super happy smiley is because I GET A COOKIE!!!!!^ )

So long!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Why is he such an angry person? I called my dad to ask if my brother and sister were going to the family Easter egg hunt, then asked if he was going to church tomorrow morning. He got all upset and told me he couldn't answer any questions cause he was shopping. Naturally, him being angry with me was upsetting. So I left the room.
Then, my grandpa goes behind my back and calls my dad to get on to him for making me upset, saying that he was being mean.
Of course, I never said Daddy was mean, just angry. So then, he calls me, getting mad that I said he was mean and that I was upset. I tried to calm down enough to tell him that I never said he was mean, just that he sounded upset. So he starts semi-yelling at me, saying that he wasn't mad. I'm sorry, but generally when someone's yelling at me, it leads me to believe that they're angry.

And the thing is...he's always like that. He's alwasy so angry.
I just want to know what I did to make him so mad...