Monday, April 26, 2010


That was my frustrated sound. Why did I make said frustrated sound? Because I'm frustrated. I have a job in my group. If someone has a relationship problem, they come to me. I love this job. I hate this job. I love helping my friends. I hate having to help them when I, myself, cannot maintain a relationship of my own.

This past weekend I went with the band to Panama City, FL. Now, you'd think that, being on the beach, I'd get to relax. WRONG! Thursday I was on the bus all day. Friday I dealt with a prostitute-like girl who can't keep her hands to herself. Saturday I handled that girl's breakup. That night I spent almost an hour and a half with a friend who's boyfriend broke up with her, with me running back and forth trying to straighten things out. Sunday I was stuck on that wretched bus again.

That was the lowlights involving people. Our hotel room was completely dead. The shower literally fell apart and, when fixed, still didn't work properly. There was an ax murderer rapist next door. The floor turned your feet black after two steps. Everything was sticky and damp.

Highlights include:
-Meeting my new Jewish friend :D
-Hanging with my best friends :D
-The beach!!! :D :D :D
-The satisfaction of putting a self righteous hooker in her place. :)

It's a short list, I know. But, it means so much more to me than all of the bad combined X10


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