Monday, December 27, 2010


I feel disgusting. Apparently eating is a crime. I ate three hors dourves (I don't know if that's spelled right) and he jumped all over me. "The new scales only go up a few hundred pounds, you know." I am NOT by any means fat. Or I din't think so. But apparently three bites sized things make me a porker. Fabulous. Why are people like that? Even if I was big, there's still no need to make me feel bad about it. But whatever. Guess I'm skipping dinner. Maybe breakfast. I guess this week's been kind of a waste of progress, huh? Finally get me eating regularly and BAM! there it goes. Thanks Gramps...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Opinion #3


We all make them. So why do we judge people so harshly when they make them?

There's this girl in band and for some reason everyone seems to hate her. She's sweet. So I don't know why they're so mean. They say she does stuff with guys like she's some common whore. But she doesn't do anything. This morning they all crowded around the doors this morning and, when she walked in, they all pointed and yelled, "You're nastyyyyyyy!!!" She cried all morning and when I went to see her at lunch she was alone in a dark practice room, crying. No one deserves that. No one.

And the funny thing is, most of those guys have dated her. And they've done worse than what they're saying she does. So what do they think gives them the right to judge her and be mean to her?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Shopping :)

So tonight is the flagline Christmas party and we always have secret santas. I got my girl a build a bear dressed in Star Wars attire, dark chocolate, and a spanish-english dictionary. I heard that this one girl that EVERYONE hates refused to be a part of the gift exchange because she didn't want someone to get her something bad that they knew she would hate. Now, I'm nice to this girl and I actually like her. So I couldn't let her sit there empty handed while everyone was opening their presents. I got her a gift card to a sandwich place she likes and a picture taken of us at a football game earlier this year.
Anyway, this afternoon I had to go get the gift card for her. I took Pookah with me and on the way home she managed to attach herself to my seat. At a red light this girl in the next car over saw her and started laughing and trying to get her mom to look. I think Pookah made a good impression. :)
Today I learned that she LOVES electrical cords and wrapping paper. Haha she's napping in my lap and twitching. I love this cat. <3

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Opinion #2


Why can there only be one "right" religion? What exactly is a "wrong" religion? Why can't we all be right? I think that there really is only one God; we just call Him by a different name. That doesn't make it wrong. That makes it life. If everyone thought the same exact way and believed the same exact thing, the world would be a very dull place.

And since when did it become okay to judge an entire group of people for a smaller, barely related group doing something wrong? The Taliban bombed us. Nine years ago. So when they want to build a mosque just a little way away from the bomb site, everyone goes crazy! Blaming the Muslims for everything and basically telling them to eff off. I'm sorry, maybe I'm confused here, but what exactly did Muslims do to us? Oh that's right, NOTHING! So what if members of the Taliban happened to be Muslim? That doesn't make the whole religion terrible. That just means a select group of them made a terrible mistake. Don't you think other people in the Muslim religion felt ashamed of them too? Now let's think really hard here, kids. What was another situation where one group of people blamed an entire religion for all the bad stuff? Ohhh, yea. It was that little thing called The Holocaust. And that group that discriminated against that religion...weren't they considered bad people and strongly frowned upon? Yes, I do believe they were. Hmmm...I'm sensing some deja vu here...

So what does that make us? Just like them. And if we're just like those people, how do you think the rest of the world views us? How do you think our fore-fathers would feel about their country, a country founded on the belief that all men are created equal and that everyone has the right to their own religion? Do you think they'd be proud?

I know what you're thinking. "But, we're NOT like them! They killed the Jews! We don't kill Muslims! Yadda yadda yadda..." WRONG! We are just like them, whether you want to believe it or not. Yes, they killed them. But don't we kill them too when we ostracize them? Don't we kill them when we shout "Bomb!" at them or call them terrorists? I think we do.

And, you know, The Nazi's didn't think they were doing anything wrong either. They didn't see how they were the ones destroying their country, not the Jews. So maybe instead of pointing fingers all the time, we should take a look in the mirror.

Pookah :D

I got a kitten yesterday and named her Pookah. For anyone who remembers the movie Anastasia, Pookah is the name of the dog. It's my favorite movie. :D

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Writing = Cathartic

So I wrote another poem today. It's about society's image of perfection and how it can really hurt someone. I'm putting it on the poetry page, so if you invisible people out there feel like it, you should go read it. :)