Sunday, September 19, 2010



Rather than use up any energy I have to sarcastically rant about how much people suck, I'm just going to list everything that is wrong.

1. My great grandmother is dying. Like, any second.
2. My dog is dying. Like, any day.
3. My best friend seems to be forgetting me.
4. She's forgetting me in favor of another guy. (Not dating him, just best friends with him)
5. The guy she's forgetting me for? Happens to be the one I like.
6. Last night at homecoming I had to stomach watching them slow dance. And watching him dance with someone else. And listen to all of our mutual friends ask me why I didn't go dance with him. All while I stood there all alone.
7. I still have to fake a smile as all of the above came crashing down around me.

Yes. And to top it all off, Tuesday will be five months of singleness. I'm excited because it's an achievement. I'm displeased because it feels like life is laughing in my face. Greatttttt...

Oops. I think I'm starting to sound bitter. Better leave before I start to get cynical too.

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