Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Apparently blogger hated me for a while, but we're all good now. :D
Tomorrow's the twenty-first. Not that it matters anymore. My countdown is over.
We're doing well, I guess. I mean, I really like him and all that jazz, but sometimes that panicky anxious feeling shows up and I start to feel trapped and I have a strong urge to break up with him. And he doesn't even do anything. He's wonderful. I just can't help it. And I can't tell him about it because I don't want to scare him. Which sounds lame, I know, but it's true. And besides, the feelings pass. Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm!!!!
Anyway. I'm in love. With a school. I started looking at colleges recently and I really want to go to Brown. It's amazing. Great academics, new people, ALL FOUR SEASONS, and it's far away from here. I. Am. In. Love. <3

Monday, October 4, 2010


I just realized that I was bitter in my last post and figured I should clear that up.

1. My great grandmother did pass away. Two weeks ago. And I swear, if I have to hear, "I'm so sorry for your loss." Or, "She was a wonderful lady and you're in my thoughts." one more time, I'm going to lose it. I. Hate. Sympathy. I mean, it's okay the first day or so. But two weeks later? No thanks.

2. My dog did die. Last Friday. Sad. I miss her. But I'm still a cat person so I'm not too torn up about it. Which makes me feel bad.

3. I talked to my best friend about her ditching me. She said she'll try to do better.

4. The guy? He got to know what it feels like to be forgotten. He decided he'd rather be friends.

5. When I realized he wasn't worth my time, I met some new people. One of which is now my boyfriend.

6. Homecoming is too far away to even bother with.

7. My smile is a little less than fake now. :)

Five months and twelve days: The end

This past weekend we went on a band trip to Dallas. We did really well for it being so early in the season. Sunday we went to Six Flags where I hung out with my BOYFRIEND. Yes, you read right.
But it feels like my happiness is coming at a price. My friend and her boyfriend might have broken up. Not because of me. I just feel kind of guilty for being happy when she's so depressed.

Among other things, I love watching old movies from when I was a kid. And I love October. It marks the beginning of fall and it brings Halloween. And most of our contests are in October. And the leaves change color. And I think it just might be my favorite month.

Ooh! I got my ACT scores back. Now keep in mind that I was sick that day and it was my first time taking it and I really didn't try that hard. I GOT A 26!!! I'm excited. I have to take it again, though. And again and again and again. At least until I reach the thirties. :D

And now back to fluffy pillows, soft Six Flags animals, and old Disney Channel movies (Halloweentown) Adios, mi amigos. Hasta luego!