Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

So today is my birthday. Fantastic. Surprisingly, there is absolutely no sarcasm there whatsoever. This has literally been the best birthday of my life. My grandparents got up early and took me to IHOP. We had a sub in my math class. Then, in creative writing, one of my friends wrote me a poem for my birthday. It was really cheesy and really cute at the same time. Easily the highlight of my day. And then, to make it better, I actually got to eat lunch today. (Usually the lines are too long and I have to wait till I go home.) My world geography teacher, usually a complete jerk and the worst kind of person, was sort of nice. And I aced my chemistry test. And then, to top it off, my mom came over and gave me flowers and balloons. They were roses, which I usually don't like, but they were beautiful and I love them because they came from her. And now the day is almost over and I'll sleep with a smile on my face. Oh,and I didn't have to deal with any of the drama with my ex. BONUS!

Note: This kind of optimism from me is rare; enjoy it while it lasts. :)

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