Saturday, March 6, 2010


So last year I dated this guy(the ex who I keep havin drama with). He dumped me(very rudely) on April 5. That summer, I spent almost every waking minute with my best friend and her boyfriend. So, in order to feel better about my singlness, I started to joke about it and even came up with an imaginary boyfriend, as part of the joke(his name is Imaginary-Hypothetical-If, but we shortened it to Rreynoldo). At the end of the summer vacation, I counted back the months to the break-up. Five months. I decided then to make being single a fun experience. So I decided that, for every month of my being single I would get a big cookie. Like how couples celebrate moths of dating, I decided to celebrate months of singlness. For every month, I get a cookie. Every half year, I get a cupcake. Every year, I get a cake and small party. If I get to three years, I get a wedding cake and huge bash. Five years gets me a pony.
Anyway, on the day before my fifth month, that same ex and I got back together. It lasted two and a half months, then it ended. I had another relationship, which lsted a week. So on January 13, I got to start getting big cooies again.
On March 13, I get my second. So, this long-winded explanation was all for me to say that I wil be starting a countdown to said cookie.

Seven more days. :)

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