Monday, May 10, 2010

Sad face!!! :(

So tomorrow is the last day for seniors. And it's a half day. And the rest of us still have two more weeks before we're out. :(

Upside, it's almost time for my countdown. Next Friday will be one month. I'm not really excited. It's not exactly a huge feat for me. :/

Yesterday was Mother's Day. I got to spend the day with my Mommy and Grandma(the nice one, not the she-devil I live with) :)

Aargh!!! Speaking of the she-devil...
Okay, so I'm in chemistry. Which is a JUNIOR class. I am one of the only TWO sophomores in that class AND I have one of the highest grades. An 88% B. Now, I am freaking PROUD of that B, but according to my delightful grandmother, that makes me a failure. So now, if I don't get all 48 points on this BONUS project, I will be grounded for the foreseeable future. >:|

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