Sunday, February 13, 2011

Always Managing to Botch Things Up

Haha so I was looking through old posts and realized that I never corrected Pookah's gender. Pookah's a boy. My bad.

This afternoon we all went to the Boardwalk (outdoor shopping mall type deal). It was A and her boyfriend, P and her should-be boyfriend, and me and my brother. P was kind of upset I think. She wouldn't hang out with us at all; just kept standing around with her should-be. But at least she looked happier with him.

I think I'm getting over my freakishly insane jealousy of A because we were laughing today like nothing was wrong. I'm not out of the woods, yet; I'm still feeling it. It's disgusting and terrible and dumb, but I can't seem to help it. She's great at everything. She can sing, dance, act, write, and everyone instantly loves her. I used to look at her and start to get jealous, but I made it go away by thinking, "Hey, at least I have writing." But then she decided that she wanted to write, too. Guess what? She's better. And on top of that, everyone instantly loves her. Children, other teenagers, adults...everyone. But, I talked to her last night. I hope it'll help.

While I was typing that whole mess, I completely forgot what I was going to say next. Oh well. It'll come to me later. Buenas noches!

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