Thursday, February 10, 2011

Opinion #4

"Bailout & Bull"

I recently watched a program with my English class called "Bailout & Bull". This is basically my review.

"...worst since the Great Depression." -Obama
"crisis... unprecedented." -Obama

He's saying this economical crisis is worse than the Great Depression. Then, he says it's unprecedented. Maybe our president needs to go back to school because the last time I checked, "unprecedented" means we haven't seen anything like it before. So which is it, Mr. Pres?

"...worse than the Great Depression..."

Bull. During the Great Depression, unemployment rates were 25%. In 2008, they were 8.7%. Of course, no one remembers twenty seven years ago when the unemployment rates were 11%.

So what is the miracle solution that will save us all? Stimulus. Yes, in order to get us out of debt, we will spend more money. Because that makes perfect sense. According to the experts, that's dumb. Every economy goes through these ups and downs. It's like the checks and balances of life.

So what's the right thing to do? Turn and face the storm head on? Or keep running until we fall flat on our faces?

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